About me and Why read this blog?

About me : 

Hello there, I'm Ananya Jayakumar 

- 33 years old when I start this blog , 5 months into my pregnancy , 10 years experience in tech : Operations / Data analysis / ETL / dash-boarding / managing teams / Solving problems.

Pregnancy - Slowing your career

I just completed a personally fulfilling year onboarding a team and training them to perform, tackling fraud, building dashboards and creating automated ETL behind the dashboard. But since I'm going on maternity leave, I'm training folks on my job - making it easy to replace myself and jeopardizing a promo that I'd otherwise been well placed for and also having to coming back from maternity leave - and starting from scratch as if all the stuff I did before the leave does not count. It's also a time when my company is getting acquired, the business and products are changing and not the best time to be planning maternity.  I feel like I have potential to be in a better place.

Pregnancy - the baby's most important phase of growth.

This is also the time of pregnancy - a time I have to learn about a baby's different phases of growth and physically , mentally and creatively spend myself for her growth. 

Feminity or Ambition?

During my first trimester when I was tired, I wondered if I was up to continuing my career at a time when so many things were up that I had no idea how to deal with, and my physical limitations were increasing. 

In the second trimester , when my health picked up I realized that I cannot so easily give up what I stand up for. Yes, I want to be a great mom but I also want to be a great career-woman. What if I can turn what is a challenging phase for a woman into a rewarding phase?

This blog is my attempt at improving my career.


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